Ontario Provincial Police
Ontario Provincial Police
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Report a crime

The OPP online reporting system allows you to report minor occurrences such as theft, mischief to property, lost property and driving complaints that occurred in areas policed by the OPP.

Filing a police report online

This system allows you to submit a report online without going to or calling the OPP. All submissions will be reviewed by an OPP officer who may contact you to request additional information. You must have a valid e-mail address in order to submit a report online.

STEP 1: Make sure your occurrence can be reported online

Use the information below to see if you can use this system. If your occurrence qualifies for online reporting, proceed to the next step. If your occurrence does not qualify for online reporting, please call the OPP toll-free at 1-888-310-1122 to file a report. Links to external websites, including those with video, digital images or documents that are not supported by this application, cannot be managed through this online reporting service. Please include a narrative description of the occurrence in your online report.

Remember: Filing a false police report – either online or in person – is a criminal offence.

Use this system to report:

  • Theft Under $5,000
  • Mischief / Damage to Property Under $5,000
  • Mischief / Damage to Vehicle Under $5,000
  • Theft from Vehicle Under $5,000
  • Lost / Missing Property Under $5,000 including a licence plate(s) or validation sticker(s)
  • Theft of any type of gasoline from a gas station
  • Driving Complaints

DO NOT use this system if:

  • the occurrence is an emergency
  • the occurrence happened outside of OPP jurisdiction
  • there are any identifiable suspects
  • someone was injured
  • the occurrence involves a weapon
  • the occurrence involves any damage to a motor vehicle due to an actual or apparent collision, including fail to remain collisions
  • the occurrence involves a break and enter (e.g. unlawful entry and theft from a house, a building or a structure)
  • the occurrence involves drugs or gambling (including lottery tickets)
  • the occurrence involves a passport

STEP 2: Find the location on the map

Please click on the map where the occurrence took place and instructions will appear. If your occurrence falls within an OPP-policed municipality or if it falls on an OPP-policed provincial highway, the officer managing these occurrences can accept your report.

If the location of your occurrence falls within another police service's jurisdiction, your report will be rejected with no further action and you will be required to file your report with the correct police service.

If you are having trouble, you can skip ahead to the next step.

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Technical problems?

Need help?

Fill in the form below to send us feedback or to report technical issue with our Citizen Self Reporting system. Please note that emails are monitored during regular business hours only. This form is for comments only and is not to be used to send police report information. To file a police report, CLICK HERE instead.